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Frantský piatok

Zobudil som sa dnes a cítil som sa vystresovaný. To sa mi nepáči! Je to preto, že dnes musím urobiť veľa vecí a budú ma trápiť, až kým nebudem hotový. Predtým, ako som dnes ráno cvičil, som urobil raňajky. Moje telo je „vypnuté“ z dlhého dňa cestovania včera v noci. Nakoniec som jedol jablko na …


Doc on the Run Podcast 135

Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 Podcast: Play in new window | Stiahnuť ▼ Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS How do you tell when you may have an injury coming on versus typical training discomfort? – Today I’m asking the professional Dr. Christopher Segler from the Doc on the Run podcast …


Weight Loss Success as well as chocolate is a health and wellness Food

Well, I totally failed to remember about Weight Loss Wednesday since I believed it was Thursday! I am a mess. A mess in a gown showing as well much chest. Moje najnovšie videá Deň maratónu 4 Marathon training Journal day 4 inspect in Viac videí 0 sekúnd po 1 minúte, 21 sekúnd Nahor My lovely …