hello from the sky! I’m blogging on a airplane going back house to Orange region right now. This was a quick turnaround trip, however I’m looking ahead to my own bed tonight This trip wasn’t truly for enjoyment so I spent most of the morning working on blog as well as composing stuff. around …
Done and Drenched
When I woke up this morning and heard rain I considered going back to sleep. But, I really needed to get a good run in today (for physical and psychological reasons) so I went for it. I thought it was just sprinkling, but it was really coming down when I set out! I was drenched …
Dnešná večera Chili Polenta Bake
je neuveriteľne ľahká a dá sa vyrobiť vegetariánsky alebo nie. Potreboval som spotrebovať polentu a mal som niekoľko plechoviek chilli – kombinujte pre ľahký a chutný recept! Zložky: polenta roll (pripravený), 2 plechovky vegetariánskeho chilli, špenátu a strúhaného syra. Moje najaktuálnejšie videá Recenzia knihy American Dirt Book Recenzia knihy American Dirt Book Viac videí 0 …