hello from the sky! I’m blogging on a airplane going back house to Orange region right now. This was a quick turnaround trip, however I’m looking ahead to my own bed tonight
This trip wasn’t truly for enjoyment so I spent most of the morning working on blog as well as composing stuff. around 12:30 I decided to grab lunch. I went back to huge John’s Market for their salad bar. I was truly hoping they would have carrot soufflé again, however they didn’t.
Moje najnovšie videá
My lovely spouse in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review
My lovely spouse in the Pysch Ward : A Memoir
Mark Lukach
Hodnotenie zvukovej knihy najpredávanejšej spomienky vydanej 2017.
Je to skvelé počúvanie?
Zdieľam rýchle vyhodnotenie knihy ponúkanej pre Audible.
Od Amazonu:
A heart-wrenching yet hopeful memoir of a young marriage that is redefined by mental illness as well as affirms the power of love.
Mark aj Giuliaho život spoločne začal ako rozprávková romantika. Padali ako osemnásť rokov, oženili sa o dvadsiatich štyroch a začali svoj vysnívaný život v San Franciscu čoskoro potom. Keď však Giulia mala dvadsaťsedem, zažila desivú a nepredvídanú psychotickú prestávku, ktorá ju pristála na psychickom oddelení takmer mesiac. Jedného dňa bola žiarivá a dobre upravená; Ďalej bola klamná, ako aj samovražedná, presvedčila, že jej páčili sa, ktoré neboli v bezpečí.
Aká kniha alebo podcast teraz počúvaš ??
Čo by som mal počúvať ďalej?!
Odkazy na knihu, ako aj ďalšie hodnotenia sú na runEatrepeat.com
Viac videí
0 sekúnd po 5 minútach, 31 sekúnd
Face Mask tips for Running as well as walking Outside
Today was Chinese food day at the hot bar as well as I got a bit of everything. Salad bars make me happy.
It was a solo objective so I ate outside. It’s a truly quite day, just a bit crisp for my taste.
I was excited to see the Seasonal Cliff Bars at the market! My whole Foods didn’t have these on my last visit. I utilized to eat a Clif Bar before my long runs every time! I prefer PB&J toast now, however still enjoy these occasionally.
The hotel had free cookies in the lobby so I grabbed one at inspect out. This was thick as well as chewy, however not the perfect cookie. My browse continue. benefit points for being free though
Then, I spent a long time wandering around Healdsburg’s downtown area.
There is a adorable path just next to the downtown area.
I like to assumption the name of an art piece before I checked out the genuine name. I phone call this – “Shoelaces after a long run”
The walk was nice, however my lips feel super chapped from the chilly dry air.
Ben as well as I regrouped as well as headed back to San Francisco around 4pm. It’s over an hour drive plus we had to return the rental car. I was unfortunate we didn’t have time for more wine tasting!
It was fun to drive across the golden entrance Bridge! It’s not the exact same as running across though.
Check in as well as security was quick as well as pain less. however by this time around I was Hungry! I walked by all the choices as well as decided on more Chinese food (it is my favorite!). This is veggies as well as tofu with brown rice. There were only two pieces of tofu in that pile, however they did have acorn squash in the mix so I state it evens out.
The Mexican location where Ben got his dinner had a chipotle sauce that tasted a great deal like peanut sauce so I added it to my meal!
I chosen up dessert from the Ghirardelli stand. now my life night is complete.
Tragic tidbit of the day: I discovered this movie ticket from 2008 in one of my bags!
Open Letter to my fellow airplane passengers: If you are playing a phone game in which you must jerk your hand back as well as forth vigorously on a dark airplane I may judge you for a while before I figure out what is going on. IfYaKnowWhatIMean…
See you back house
Pošlite mi zošit
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