
It Takes What It Takes evaluation – 129

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One of the most trusted mental coaches in the world of sports has a new book out sharing his strategies. He takes a different technique from the normal positive believing mindset. as well as today I’m highlighting my favorites parts of –  It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad. 

Get all the tips, links as well as pics on Run eat Repeat.com Podcast ep 129

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Warm Up: 

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Mental training for Runners – It Takes What It Takes book Review

It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad – evaluation as well as Recap

It Takes What It Takes by Trevor Moawad – listened to this on Audible. It’s offered on Amazon, Barnes as well as Noble as well as more. 

Short Summary: (From Amazon)

He understands exactly how to win.

More, he understands the lots of ways-subtle, brutal, frequently self-inflicted-ways we lose.

As the most trusted mental instructor in the world of sports, Trevor Moawad has worked with lots of of the most dominant athletes as well as the savviest coaches. From Nick Saban as well as Kirby wise to Russell Wilson, they all look to Moawad for assist discovering or keeping or regaining their com­petitive edge. 

Now, at last, Moawad shares his special approach with the general public. 

He lays out lessons he’s derived from his biggest occupation successes in addition to personal setbacks, the game-changing wisdom he ‘s earned as the go-to whisperer for elite performers on fields of play as well as among guy as well as women headed to the battlefield.

Most crucial thing about the book – He’s not a positive believing advocate however a neutral believing advocate. 

Theme? utilize neutral believing to train your mind – this will assist you succeed.

Lesson: His #1 client is most likely NFL quarterback Russell Wilson. Moawad tells a great deal of stories about exactly how he worked with Wilson as well as other athletes as well as coaches when they were struggling. One great example is after Wilson lost the incredibly bowl – exactly how do you come back from something like that? 

I utilized to state I appreciate a ‘tough love’ coaching style, however it really may be better to this neutral believing approach. So the primary message truly resonated with me – I was already on board!!

How these mental training suggestions apply to runners  – I believe it’s extremely difficult to just be positive as well as push with when you’re at mile 21 as well as slamming into the wall. Your body feels like it’s providing out on you – as well as at that point positive believing may really feel a lot more discouraging. 

But staying neutral, not getting emotional or stressed about it as well as believing about the truth of the circumstance can help! 

Let’s utilize the example of running a marathon as well as needing to utilize a mental training tool to assist you.

Imagine it’s marathon race day, it’s a warm day, you don’t have any type of injuries… You feel quite great the very first half of the race, you’re staying around goal pace. 

Then, around mile 19 you begin to feel like you’re slowing down. It feels HOT, hotter than you realized.

By the time you get to Mile 20 you can’t keep up with your goal speed any type of more. Your legs feel worn out as well as heavy… you begin to freak out. 

What To Do If You want to stop Running…

Here are your options:
A.) stay Positive! tell yourself – just keep GOING!! try to get back to goal pace. neglect the warm as well as your legs. Pump your arms, push yourself as well as tell yourself you can do it over as well as over.

B.) stop to walk or phone call as well as Uber – you undoubtedly can’t hit your goal as well as must most likely stop instead of torturing yourself any type of longer.

C.) keep going – sluggish down if needed as well as do a head to toe scan of your body…

Are you injured in any type of area or just tired? >>> No injuries = keep Going.

Do you requirement water or electrolytes? It’s hot so that’d be totally typical as well as NOT a indication that anything is automatically wrong with you.

Do you requirement fuel? If you’re hitting the wall you may requirement sugar. At mile 20 your body has already burned off it’s stored energy so you will requirement to replenish & perhaps you miscalculated exactly how much you need. >>>palivo hore!

Teraz, keď ste mali prestávku v rýchlosti, ako aj poháňané >>> Získajte hlavu späť do hry vyhodnotením svojej závodnej metódy a držaním sa toho. Ak ste trénovali – môžete dokončiť. Ak ste trénovali ťažko – môžete sa objaviť vo svojom cieľovom čase.

Nemusíte sa hovoriť – to nie je ťažké. Chápeme, že to bude ťažké! Môžete si však povedať – môžem robiť ťažké veci! Môžem to urobiť!! Trénoval som na to, ako aj dnes, idem na to.

Keď som počúval, urobil som si poznámky o niekoľkých z mojich preferovaných citátov z knihy, ktoré sa dajú zdieľať. Práve tu je niekoľko z nich …

Najlepšie citáty z toho trvá to, čo to vyžaduje

Vaša myseľ môže riadiť loď, ale loď musí byť stále postavená pre drsné more.

To je to, čo robíte, nie presne to, ako sa cítite, že sa veci urobia.

To, čo potrebuje na prosper, nie je voľba.

Táto hra odmeňuje ľudí, ktorí to robia dobre.

Táto hra má požiadavky.

Robiť zlé rozhodnutia je priemerná životnosť.

Ospravedlňujte sa, aby ste vyhrali.

Vaše myšlienky musia byť – robím XYZ – nie ak urobím XYZ, nie je to tak, ak. Hovoríš v I.

Môj vnútorný hlas je najhlasnejší.

Moje vlastné slová ma ovplyvňujú oveľa viac ako ktorýkoľvek iný iný.

Celkové skóre – skutočne / nie / možno

Áno-ak ste športovec, ktorý sa snaží nájsť návrhy mentálneho tréningu rozprávané príbehom.

Budem odkazovať na knihu, ako aj na webovú stránku autora v poznámkach k show na runEatrepeat.com

Ale ak ste si nekontrolovali najnovšiu knihu MEB alebo knihu Deena Kastorovej – najskôr si vyskúšali. Navrhujem ich oveľa viac ako táto kniha pre inšpiráciu, ako aj mentálne školenie pre bežcov.

Získajte knihu – 26 maratónov od Meb Keflezighi na Amazon, Kindle alebo Audible tu

Získajte knihu – nechajte svoju myseľ bežať Deena Kastor na Amazon, Kindle alebo Audible tu

Získajte knihu – Trvá to, čo je potrebné, ponúka sa tu na Amazon, Kindle, ako aj počuteľné tu.



Melón. Národný deň melónu sa objavuje čoskoro a už ho už každý deň oslavujem. * Skontrolujte, či tu presne nájdete video s melónom !! *

Všetko, čo však Bagel korešpondoval kešu – nový objav od spoločnosti Target. Dobré, nie život, ktorý sa mení, ale dobre.

Vrecká na spací vrecka s chudým popcorn predávané v spoločnosti Costco. Sú poburujúce, rovnako ako sa mi to páči.

Ďakujem veľmi pekne za počúvanie!

Ak máte minútu – nechajte hodnotenie 500 hviezdičiek v podcastoch Apple, Spotify alebo Stitcher. as well as if you understand somebody that may take pleasure in the show – please tell them about it.

Keď netuším alebo nejem, som na Instagrame @runeATrepeat – tak prosím, dodržujte ma tam. Rovnako ako aj odkaz v mojom IG Bio na runEatrepeat.com, takže je to jednoduchá metóda na objavenie poznámok k show.

Dúfam, že to bola zábava a informatívne.
Majte fantastický beh!

Neustále sa rozhodnite pre tieto články a tipy:

Americká recenzia špiny

Run faster idea – Your Mantra 

5 minute Running warm Up

Listen to the Run eat Repeat Podcast complimentary on your preferred podcast app or ideal on this post!

Search Run eat Repeat on Apple Podcasts // Stitcher // Google Play as well as more!

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