
Portable Restroom

Sunday morning we woke up as well as took a walk around Emily & Mark’s community in Portland, CT. It was so good to get out as well as walk around after being in the cars and truck for so long yesterday.

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Before we went on the walk I ate Kashi with a banana as well as milk. I always bring cereal with me on road trips – it’s excellent for snacking or breakfast!

Ben seriously has infant fever, while I illuminate when holding a feline or petting a dog. I miss my animals so much, as well as I have Matt (my bit bro) for the times I want to be a mom. chill out Ben, it will happen. Someday.

Here is Ben, Julie as well as Owen on the walk…

We left around midday as well as I was hungry so I ate this apple as well as drank this large iced tea.

Lunch was Subway. I had a huge problem at train since I do not eat meat, however didn’t want to eat tuna for the 3rd time this week (because of the mercury as well as kid bearing age thing). however I understood bread as well as veggies would not keep me full for long (Veggie Delight). What is a woman to do? Čo by urobil Ježiš? So, I reluctantly purchased the turkey sub. I feel guilty since I am continuously eating things I would rather stay away from lately, however it was the healthiest option I might make provided the circumstances.

There were likewise numerous chips as well as a Kashi bar consumed.

Plus I drank water from my  reliable sidekick bottle ? At one point I had to go to the restroom so poor I barely BARELY held it up until we discovered a rest stop. It was a veryclosecall.

At that rest stop I purchased a large diet plan Coke since that’s exactly how I roll as well as we continued on our way. But, we encountered a significant mishap only a few miles from our home as well as were totally stopped for practically an hour. I had to pee again! as well as now my bladder was very weak from holding it so long earlier. At one point I might not take it anymore as well as thought about just peeing in my pants. Then, I discovered a Gatorade bottle as well as produced a portable restroom. Don’t judge me, you would have done the exact same thing.

I hope I haven’t ruined the believed of yellow Gatorade for you (but I do believe it’s kinda funny if I have). In all honesty I likewise drank a ton of water so it wasn’t really yellow at all. I would have taken a picture of the bottle, however I have to draw the line somewhere.

I can’t believe I just admitted this on the internet. What have I become???



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